Postpartum Doula 

What is a Postpartum Doula? A Guiding Presence for Your Family

A postpartum doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to new parents during the postpartum period, which is the time immediately following childbirth. The primary role of a postpartum doula is to assist and nurture the new family as they transition into parenthood and adjust to life with a newborn.

My postpartum doula services are designed to guide your home, offering compassionate care as you heal, learn, and adjust to your role as parents of a newborn, making this transition smoother for you and your loved ones.

Baby Wearing Guidance: Babywearing can be an excellent way to bond with your baby while having your hands free for other tasks. I can offer guidance on safe and comfortable baby-wearing techniques.

Sibling Care: If you have older children, I can assist with sibling care, ensuring they receive the attention and support they need during this transition.

Personal Care: Self-care is crucial for new parents. The role of a postpartum doula is to remind you to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally, so that you can better care for your little one.

Household Assistance: I know that household tasks can become overwhelming during the postpartum period, and I am happy to lend a hand with light household chores, meal preparation, and laundry. I'll help keep your household running smoothly, allowing you to focus on rest and bonding with your baby.

Newborn Care and Breastfeeding Support: Whether you choose breastfeeding or formula, I provide expert guidance and assistance when feeding your little one. I am trained in breastfeeding techniques and can help ensure your baby is latching correctly and feeding well. I can also guide you through newborn care, diapering, bathing, and soothing techniques to help you feel more at ease in caring for your little one.

Emotional and Informational Support: I understand that the postpartum period can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. I am here to listen, encourage, and offer non-judgmental support as you navigate the challenges and joys of early parenthood. I am your confidante, helping you build confidence and offering guidance when you need it the most.

As a postpartum doula, I provide the following supports:

Supporting Your Postpartum Journey with Expert Knowledge and Practical Assistance

Addressing Your Specific Postpartum Concerns

Taking HypnoBirthing with Renelle prepared me for what ended up being a very relaxed and blissful birthing experience

As your postpartum doula, my mission is to provide you with the support and care you need to thrive during the postpartum period. I customise my services to fit your unique needs and desires, ensuring that you feel empowered and confident as you embrace your new role as parents.

Prior to taking Renelle’s HypnoBirthing class I was relying on faith alone that things would play out well. The class provided me with real life visuals and engaging exercises that completely brought me into the reality of what to expect. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without this class.

Discover the Benefits of Postpartum Doula Care in Saskatoon

Let me be your support system, and provide you with a caring and knowledgeable presence as you heal, learn, and grow together as a family. Contact me today to learn more about my postpartum doula services and how I can assist you during this exciting time for your family.