Welcome To My Journey Of Transformation And Empowerment! 

Hi there, I'm Renelle, a passionate Doula, Reiki Master, Registered Massage Therapist, HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, PSYCH-K Facilitator, and advocate for positive birth experiences. I am here to support you through pregnancy, birth, and beyond, guiding you at every stage of motherhood. I provide in-person support in Saskatoon, SK as well as virtually all over the world!


My path to becoming a HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator wasn't one I had anticipated during my early years. Originally aspiring to be a teacher, life took an unexpected turn when I found myself pregnant with my first son during my second year of massage school. This life-changing event sparked a deep interest in understanding the physiological changes in a woman's body throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

My journey into motherhood was a mix of excitement and fear, but unfortunately, it didn't turn out as positively as I had hoped. Despite diligently reading recommended books and preparing for childbirth, I felt unprepared, disempowered, and like my knowledge and understanding of my own body were disregarded during my birth experience.

Healing and Transformation with Reiki and PSYCH-K

This profound experience motivated me to become a HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, not only for my own healing but also to help other parents avoid similar challenges. The HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator course became an integral part of my healing journey. Initially uncertain about teaching, I realised a need for change after hearing birth stories from friends, many of whom had negative experiences. Additionally, my own birth experiences inspired me to become a doula. Encouraged by my HypnoBirthing students, I took the leap into doula work after the arrival of my second child.

During my second pregnancy, Reiki and PSYCH-K played crucial roles in my personal growth. PSYCH-K has been a powerful tool in re-wiring limiting beliefs across various aspects of my life, and I continue to utilise it daily. These practices helped me release fear and old beliefs, and heal from the impact of my first birth, ultimately setting the stage for a better birthing experience.

Embracing the Beauty of Birth

You see, giving birth is an incredibly monumental and transformative event in one's life. It shapes who you become and influences your outlook on the world. The support, energy, and environment you surround yourself with during pregnancy and birth have a lasting impact, for better or worse.

I aim to help every mom prepare for a gentle and positive birth experience. Your body is incredibly capable, and birthing doesn't have to be a scary or painful experience. I am here to empower you, ensuring you feel heard, seen, and confident throughout your journey.

Together, let's embrace the beauty of childbirth and embark on a path of empowerment and positive transformations. 

A Challenging Journey into Motherhood

Empowerment through HypnoBirthing® and Doula Work


Welcome To My Journey Of Transformation And Empowerment! 

Hi there, I'm Renelle, a passionate Doula, Reiki Master, Registered Massage Therapist, HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, PSYCH-K Facilitator, and advocate for positive birth experiences. I am here to support you through pregnancy, birth, and beyond, guiding you at every stage of motherhood.I provide in-person support in Saskatoon, SK as well as virtually all over the world!