What is a Virtual Birth Doula? Your Birth Companion from Afar

A birth doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous emotional, physical, and informational support to pregnant individuals and their partners before, during, and shortly after childbirth.

Even though a virtual doula is not physically at your birth, a virtual doula offers continuous 24/7 on call support.

Why Virtual Doula Support?

I provide comprehensive Virtual doula services to support and empower you throughout pregnancy and PostPartum. 

Convenience and Accessibility

flexibility of virtual doula support, including options for virtual prenatal sessions, on-demand support during labor, and postpartum guidance

There is a misconception that doulas must be present at the birth to be effective

virtual doulas offer birth content on topics such as childbirth preparation, labour coping techniques, and birth advocacy to help parents feel empowered and informed throughout their pregnancy journey

personalized guidance and support parents’ unique needs and preferences, empowering them to have a positive and empowering birth experience

virtual doula support is a tool to help you feel empowered and confident as you prepare for childbirth and navigate labour and birth with grace and confidence

What's included?

Our biggest takeaway from taking the HypnoBirthing Class was being informed! We felt prepared to make decisions and be okay with your birth plan to be flexible. 

When I went into labor, I was able to labor at home using breathing and positions I had learnt through HypnoBirthing and my prenatal yoga classes. husband and doula (Renelle) who were by my side and providing counter pressure and massage on my lower back throughout my surges. I was able to deliver my baby boy without any medication. What impacted my labor that I gained from HypnoBirthing and having a doula.


3 x virtual prenatal visits to discuss your preferences for the birth and comfort measures for labour, prepare partners for their role as support person, offer guidance on post-birth care

Phone/text/email support during your pregnancy and up to 4 weeks after birth

24hr on call support around the time of your due date 

Virtual support during labour and the immediate post birth period (via phone, text, or video chat) 

1 x virtual postpartum follow up visit to discuss your experience of the birth, your postpartum recovery, and provide feeding and baby care information

Access to helpful resources for pregnancy, labour, birth, and newborn care

Embrace an Empowered Pre And Post Birth Experience with a Certified Saskatoon Doula! 

As your dedicated companion on this remarkable journey, I offer unwavering emotional and informational support. Don't hesitate to contact me to discover how my virtual doula services can enhance your birthing journey.